Thursday, November 06, 2008

The Joys

So what is one to do when their six year son drops water on the floor and follows it up with “OH SHIT!”. You can’t really yell at him because there’s a good chance that he heard it from you. I really do try to watch myself around the kids, but sometimes you just slip. Anyway, I gave him that evil eye while trying to contain my laughter . It didn’t work, it was just too funny. After everything settled down I took him aside and tried to explain why we don’t use words like that. He knew it was wrong and apologized. I can’t wait to hear the next bad word he learns .

I’m watching TV while typing this up and I’m getting annoyed by all these erectile dysfunction commercials. Can we get a woman hygiene spot to offset all these ridiculous guy spots. Wow, I can’t believe it, an enlarged prostate commercial just aired OH SHIT! How about bringing back the famous spot showing a mother and daughter walking on the beach when all of a sudden the daughter turns to her mother and says “Mom, do you douche?”………………classic

Well, that’s all for now.


Anonymous said...

That is just too funny! The joys of parenting.

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! My kids have busted out a few funny words...I say laugh, laugh, laugh!!

Kim Ayres said...

At least it was contextual. Swear words are meant for when you really need to vent. I've often wondered what those who swear all the time do when they really need to curse

BStrong said...

Jessica - As I grow as father the things that kids do or say any more don't phase me.

tsquared - I suppose that if the words stay simple and don't escalate to the next level I'll be fine.

Kim - They get really bad gas.

Anonymous said...

That is to funny i got the laugh i needed. I wish you the best our son was born with esophageal atresia and down syndrome so I appreciate reading things like this.

Unknown said...

I remember that!!!

That old 'sugar' word. I used to have the fowlest mouth, until my oldest told people we had 'f*cking mice' in our house!!!! That is why I have cats now!!!!

I've missed you. I'm glad I checked in tonight!

Anonymous said...

Very funny! Enjoying your blog I have a sister with down syndrome. She is my world. You can read about her on my squidoo lense her on my squidoo lense here