Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Down Syndrome Radio

Is it crazy to think that a radio show on Down Syndrome has the legs to last? Honestly, would there be enough interest out there? Parents of children who have DS and adults with DS are certainly going to listen, but would the typical person listen to a show that discusses Down Syndrome for 2-3 hours on a Sunday? I suppose the only real question that would drive a show like this in corporate America is; would the station be able to find advertising/sponsorships for a show like this? I would like to think so.

I can envision the show having a weekly guest segment where we can accept calls from listeners, a segment on the progress of DS (it’s not your dads DS anymore:)), maybe add a little “put away the fallacies of DS” segment. We can have a star of the week where we would highlight a person and their achievements (write in nomination), or even highlight a business and/or organization that is a supporter of Down Syndrome.

A show like this can bring tremendous attention to DS, both in a good way and in a negative way; there are always kooks out there.

So the question is: Can a radio show dealing with DS or any special needs last?


Anonymous said...

I would tune in if there was a radio show on DS or special needs! I think there would be enough topics to keep such a thing going!

Amy Flege said...

wow what a cool idea! iam all for it!! i think it would be a huge hit!

Kim Ayres said...

There are so many different questions that leap to mind with this, the first of which is, is this your idea that you're thinking of developing, or is this something else you've heard about?

I can see the potential in it, especially with today's use of the Internet - the audience reach could be worldwide. And with the likes of Skype, blogs, YouTube etc, you would never run out of contributors.

Whether you would be able to get people with no attachment to DS interested is another issue, but then it all depends who you're aiming it at.

It's certainly doable, and if it is your idea and you want to bounce thoughts, ideas and strategies around, give me shout.

BStrong said...

Jessica: I think the topics are there for the picking. I just question the listeners.

Amy: Thanks. I would think that it depends on the market that the show would run in. One would have to start out at a small local station just because the major players would want to see a proven product.

Kim: Yes, it is an idea that I have. Being in the ad/media business, the thought just hit me. I believe that there is potential. For one, I would never run out of topics. The blogs would be a tremendous source. Along with my research for the show, I could rely on my many producers; my blog buddies.

Like I mentioned to Jessica, the listeners would be questionable. Also, would the show be sellable to sponsors/advertisers?

Belovedlife said...

I think it is a great idea...better find some backers...perhaps satellite radio could pick it up...or better yet over the internet!
You have such great ideas...I am so proud of you honey ;)

jennifergg said...

Why not? :)

jotcr2 said...

I'd listen. Would depend on the talent of the presenters & producers as to if it would hold people's attention. I guess the other thing to consider is internet streaming, so that it is not limited to local audiences. There is a TV show over here called "No Limits" that covers people with special needs, and is presented by people with various disabilities. Website is:


Amy said...

Hmmm... you might need to expand to special needs parenting or a show on "non-typical" people in general. It seems to me that so many of the issues discussed in the T21 community translate easily to general issues raised in the disabilities rights community.

Either way, I'd tune in. I have lots of suggestions for guests!

Kim Ayres said...

Given the overheads of trying to start up a radio station, what you could do is just use the web.

DSRadio.com or RadioT21.com (working titles) could easily feature downloadable podcasts. You can then create weekly or daily programmes, perhaps have ads in the broadcasts, but certainly have ads on the site, as well as links to the catalogue of past programmes and useful resources.

The potential is unlimited.

If you want to have a brainstorming session using Skype sometime, give me a shout and we'll arrange a time.

Angel The Alien said...

There is room for all sorts of radio stations these days! What I would do if I were thinking of creating one is, start out with a podcast, publicize that, and then when it gets really popular, try to sell it to radio stations!

L. Noelle said...

Great idea. One I actually haven't thought of, and trust me, I have thought of a lot of 'em. I think a radio show in general has it rough at finding an audience these days with the internet and tv as huge competitors. However, a 2 to 3 hour show about Special Needs in general, now there you've got a very large audience, I think! Because now you've got all the parents, the therapists, the Doctors, the Researchers, The Drug Companies, the Educational Resource Companies and on and on and on! I think there is an even bigger need in the market right now for a Special Needs Magazine! Or, Tv show, or Internet show! Hey, everyone has a webcam now, right! It doesn't take much to set up your own show! I'm in!

Sara said...

Hmmmm I am not sure, I think I would tend to lean toward no it wouldn't. I find most people, if it does not pertain to them, don't care..Sad really,

Jeff said...


I sure hope it can. I know it would be a challange to keep it interesting. Nash and I have been watching the DVD box set of "Life Goes On"....so maybe start with an interview with the cast from that show...who knows.


Qadoshyah said...

Sounds like a great idea to me! Topics would never cease to end, I'd think!

Jeff said...

Hey B.....I don't feel so bad now as I just came back on line and updated my blog....where are you??


Jeff said...

ok, I can only presume you are too busy working on that radio show to post.....I want details man...when are Kim and I on the show?


DSD said...

Hey! It's alive in 2012! Check out www.downrightawesome.com/dsr for Down Syndrome Radio Podcast episodes (15 and counting)!