Monday, May 14, 2007

I Hate Mondays

Back in the day before I had four kids I used to take great pride in my hair and how it looked. My stylist named John charged me $38 for a wash and cut. After the tip and “product” that I purchased, the whole trip would cost me approximately $55 (every 5 weeks). Since the kids came around I basically have given up all hope on my hair. I quit going to John and started going to a place called Fantastic Sam’s. It’s one of those places that hires right out of beauty school and doesn’t care about the kind of grades their applicants get. There are no appointments to make, you just walk in and the next flavor of the month cuts your hair. A haircut there costs $15 plus a 3-5 dollar tip. Very inexpensive, BUT this time around I got what I paid for. I explained the style of cut that I wanted to the new face and she seemed to have understood. She started to trim the sides like I asked (oh, we forgot to give the girl a name. Lets call her Brain Deficient BITCH!), but before I could say stop, she buzzed the front of my head with a number 2 trimmer setting. I’M BALD; I HAVE STUBLE ON MY HEAD. I can grow more facial hair in two days than what I have on my head. I look like a Jewish skinhead. I might as well start beating the hell out of myself now. Instead of bringing Brain Deficient BITCH to tears I kept my feelings bottled up, I even gave her a tip afterwards. I just wasn’t in the mood for a confrontation.

I know that my hair will grow back……..some day, but in the meantime I fear that I may have to put sunscreen on my damn head to keep it from burning. I’m going to walk into my house today and Elizabeth, James and my wife will all laugh at me, Amanda and Alistair will start crying because a stranger just entered their house claiming to be daddy.

I hate Mondays.


Anonymous said...

Bad hair cuts are the WORST! The good thing is that hair does grow back, but I would have refused to pay for what she did to your hair!

Kim Ayres said...

Where's the photo???

C'mon BStrong - if I can put up one of my missing tooth, I'm sure you can show us your bald patch!

Sara said...

oh, lololololololol, I am so sorry...lololol Loking for a picture of the new skinhead ;) lololol

Amy Flege said...

ohi gotta see this. please post a pic!!! haha

i hate mondays and bad hair cuts too!

Jeff said...


Come on....lets see the picture or the video of the new doo.....

BStrong said...

Yes, having a laugh at an others expense is certainly very mature. I asked my darling wife to take a quick video of me so that I can contemplate posting it on the blog. That said, I am hesitant to do it, but will likely happen anyway. Stay Tuned

Dori (Aviva's mommy) said...

So where are the photos? Glad it does grow back...can send you a Mets cap!!

Forgot to tell you the other day Aviva gets $2 a tooth and now has lost 4.

BStrong said...

Dori - No Mets caps please.

Google video is still processing the video and is unavailable for posting. By the time the video is ready I will probably be to chicken to post it.

L. Noelle said...

Very funny. I can understand completely. Just had a very simiilar experience! Went from very, very long, to very, very short, and not what I wanted! I didn't want to feel the back of my neck~! Yes it grows, but not soon enough, like now!

Sara said...

Oh sorry Bruce, I wasn't laughing at you just the way you wrote your post...Sorry if I offended you..

jennifergg said...

Here, here, I'm with everyone else, where's the photo? :)

Jeff said...


