Thursday, September 29, 2005

Now You All Know Why Snowmen Always Have Smiles On Their Faces

Enjoy your ice cream! Posted by Picasa

My wife on occasion asks me in the evening to go to our local Baskin Robbins to get her some ice cream. She only recently told me that I owe her a gallon of mint chocolate chip as a thank you to her for allowing me to watch my football game without any interruptions from our kids.

Honey, how could you put that stuff in your mouth? Kinda changes the definition of soft-serve doesn't it.


Just Shu said...

Thats nasty..thats why you should just go to Rita's...Thats what I miss about the office, getting ritas

Kim Ayres said...

I suppose crapping ice-cream is one way to soothe the hemorrhoids...

Belovedlife said...

good thing mint chip is not soft serve....very funny, nice try, luv ya....i expect something cream that is.

Pilgrim said...

Make sure it's Breyers. :-)

Kim Ayres said...

Not sure why, but your last comment on my blog disappeared as soon as I posted a reply. I think is having a funny turn

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhhh yuck! That's a man for ya! LOL! Okay, I'll guess I'll have to show this one to my hubby. And my 13 year old son will get a kick out of it. But it will make it really hard for me to ever eat chocolate soft serve again! UGH!

Naomi said...

LOL, nice try but definitely wont put me off eating ice cream. Do you have Coldstone Creamery near you?

Lori said...

That is hilarious! Thanks for the good laugh!!

Unknown said...

Welsh favorite and a favorite of Merv Griffens!

LOL!!! At first I thought the soft-serve was suppositories,,,,not the other way around!