Friday, August 05, 2005

Confusing Moment

To all my blogging readers, I just realized that I am a guy who blogs about his life’s ups/downs and daily wonders with his family. The interesting part is that all my readers are women (that’s a good thing I guess). Why is that? Am I that in touch with my feminine side, or is it that most men just don’t talk about the kind of stuff I post? Are my boys really to busy? I’m busy, but I can always find five minutes to talk about what’s going on in my head and life. I know that there are men bloggers out there, so what is it? Would I have started blogging if Little Peanut didn't have DS? Too many questions, too many possibilities.

Is it that having Little Peanut has brought me to a new level of emotional freedom and wonderment prompting me to share our life with others?

I’m Confused!


Pilgrim said...

Sometimes guy bloggers will read your site if you go make lots of comments on their site. You have to find a busy site, and jump in on a discussion.
Maybe you have to surf around a little, find someone who's interested in the same things you're interested in.

Unknown said...

Yup,,,,,,,I'm thinking Little Peanuts' magic has allowed you the freedom to expose your true self.

I know our youngest daughter has changed her father in so many amazing ways.....

Sometimes the mightest lessons come from the tiniest teachers.

Peace, Tara Marie & Emma Sage and clan

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your blog, and I am a male reader! I linked to your blog from your post on Uno Mas. I have noticed a lack of dads on Uno, and I wonder why that is too. I know that my little boy has opened up my heart in a new way, and it would be great to get some other dad's perspectives on things. I'm glad to know there are other involved dads out there, and I look forward to learning more about your family.
-Mitch (willsdad), Will, ds, 9 months

Kim Ayres said...

Not all, but I know that Kim is more commonly a woman's name in the States.