Sunday, September 09, 2007

Time To Move On

It has been a while since my last post. These long breaks are becoming more frequent and I’m not quite sure why. My life is probably no more hectic than some of yours, so for me to make excuses would be completely reckless.

Many of you may have known that I have been in the media business for many years, and about 5 years ago I partnered with someone to open our own media sales organization. It was an exciting time for me and I’m glad that I did it. We had made significant progress over the years, but at the same time I felt it wasn’t significant enough for me to continue in the partnership. I recently decided to hand the operations over to my partner and the other two companies that we had formed a relationship with. It was time for me to move on.

I was hired four weeks ago by our local Fox Network affiliate, Sinclair Broadcasting Group, the largest independent broadcasting company in the country. It has been a crazy few weeks, but things are really starting to fall into place.

I am excited for our future and will try and keep all of you posted on our progress.

The kids are in school and once again we are pleased with the curriculum. Robin is doing extremely well in her classes to become a PA. I keep on telling myself that she’ll only be in school for two more years thinking that it may calm me down a bit. It doesn’t work. I’m sure that once we find our rhythm, things will fall into the proper place.

Cheers to you all.


Jeff said...

Brother B - thanks for the update and glad things are going well. I will call you this week to catch up.


Amy Flege said...

glad to hear from you and that all is falling into place!!!!

Archie said...

Congratulations on the new job! Sounds like an exciting time for all of you. We'll let the long break slide, this time...

Kim Ayres said...

Your experience of running your own business will give you invaluable insights into your new job.

What you've shown over the past few years is that you can take control of your life and make changes when necessary. In 2 years time, that skill and experience will come into its own once again.

Sara said...

Congrats on the new job :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new job! Glad to see an update!!

BStrong said...

Thanks all. I've read your comments and have decided to leave just one response since my time at the moment is quite precious. It's nice to be back on line.

Dori (Aviva's mommy) said...

Mazel Tov on the new position....I know you will do great.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I hope your new job is wonderful.

jotcr2 said...

Thanks for the update. Sounds like a lot of change for you.

Tom said...

Now that I've got a few minutes of free time I just wanted to pop by to say thanks for the good words over on my blog. I look forward to reading your posts in the days to come. Appreciate it.

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

Congrats on the new job! Sounds exciting and it does sound like you have been pretty busy!

Amy said...

Congratulations on your new job and good luck with this next chapter.

Anonymous said...

I would have an abortion if I knew I was gonna have a child that has downs. I'm sorry if this upsets ppl but giving birt to these poor handikaped "people" is a crime to me... they suffer more then we know. My sister had downs all her life and I wish she wasn't borne she suffered so much. Don't make this out to be a great thing because it isn't. Just a very dissformed copy of a person! Kids with downs should be aborted...

Kim Ayres said...

What a poor sad wretch of a being who has to leave an anonymous comment like that. Let's just hope that those who seek a purer race don't purge people who can't spell as well

Jeff said...

Ahh...Kim I was thinking the exact same thing.


BStrong said...

Anonymous - I feel sorry for your sister to have had a sibling such as yourself.

Would you like cheese or Ketchup with your stupidity?

BStrong said...

Or shall I say IGNORANCE!

N.Hirn said...

I enjoyed reading your blog. I have a special needs daughter also and she is the joy of my life. With everything she goes through she is still a loving and happy kid and a gift from above. I recently started to post our daily adventures. Thanks for writing about your daughter..