Thursday, January 18, 2007

Yup, That's About Right

This song/video came up in the comment section of my last post "Brain Dead" via Sara and Jessica. I found it appropriate. Thankfully, I still have a job.

I don’t think I could do this 5 days a week/full time.



Sara said...

Ahhh I love that song! We only have one and that is my Hubby ;) said...

That song's great. I hadn't ever seen the video though. Very funny! (Typed as I listen to the kids making very loud noises upstairs-jumping off the bed?- and the baby sits next to me bouncing to the music and drinking the VERY diluted remains of my Pepsi...)

Anonymous said...

Lucky for me we only one kid when I was laid off. We have three now and they would drive me crazy if I had to take of them full time.

Kim Ayres said...

Wow. The guy in the vid even looks like you!

BStrong said...

Sara - Thank you for pointing me to the song. My family enjoyed watching the video.

Tracey - The video is actual footage of my family. I sometimes feel that we live in a cartoon world.

I'm a coke guy myself.

Daddy Forever - Yes, lucky for you. I only have them in the evenings when I get home from the office. I'm thinking of redecorating my house with padded walls.

Kim - Thanks pops. I think he's a bit thinner though.

Have a great weekend.

BStrong said...

Oh, and apparently I'm the only one on the planet who never heard this song. I thought I had something here that people would get a kick out of and their response was "that's old, we saw that like a year or two ago".

There is this music thingy coming out called an ipod. It stores like 3 billion songs. Very coool:)

Sara said...

ahahahahahah , well now I can get rid of my 8-track and get me an Ipod ?

Dori (Aviva's mommy) said...

YOU are not alone. I never heard the song but like it...makes me happy to have only one...

Shelley said...

Well - that gave me a few minutes respite - it really got the twins attention and I had to play it twice! Thanks.