Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Oh Sh*t

Did you ever have one of those days where you just knew that staying in bed was the better choice?

Sometimes you just feel like giving the one finger salute to the world because it feels like everyone in it has just one objective (refer to picture).


I will have my revenge, oh yes my actions will be swift and discreet.


Kim Ayres said...

Is that what you do for thanksgiving in the US?

BStrong said...

Kim - Not quite; they're not kosher. In fact, even if I could eat pigeon, I wouldn't. They're flying rats.

Amy Flege said...

haha. you just made my day!!!!

Michelle said...

Made my day too - thanks for the laugh! and ha - liked your description of pigeons - so did my hubby! :)

Jessica said...

Hahaha, I need that!

BStrong said...

Amy – Glad I could put a smile on your face.

Michelle - Isn’t it true? Pigeons are disgusting creatures. They are so numerous that you would think they were having sex 24 hours a day. Come to think of it, I bet you’ve never seen a baby pigeon.

Jessica – We all need to laugh even if it’s at the expense of others:)

BStrong said...

Michelle - To answer your question from my last post, yes Robins in her 9th month and boy is she ready. Me too.

Michelle said...

I still can't believe 9 months already! :) Can't wait to hear the big announcement - when is the due date?

BStrong said...

Michelle - She's due around the holidays, however if history is any indicator she'll go two weeks early. I guess time flies when you're having "Fun".