Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Name Change?

How did Down syndrome get its name?

Down syndrome gets its name from the British doctor, John Langdon Down, who first clinically identified the condition in 1866. The actual chromosomal nature of Down syndrome did not become documented until 1959 by Dr. Lejeune. However, Down's name remains associated with condition.


Sometimes egos should be shot down. Do doctors and/or scientists need to name their discoveries after themselves?

Just for fun; I think there should be a movement to change the name of Down Syndrome to something a bit more Uplifting. First thing we need to do is drop the word Syndrome and replace it with something else.

I propose that we change DS to: Extraordinary Design.

Any opinions or suggestions?

This is probably not going to be a very popular post. Just a vibe I'm getting.


Karen said...

You have my vote. Love your site; may I link?

BStrong said...

Link away. Thank you for the visit. Stop by again sometime

Amy Flege said...

iam with you on the name change!!!! may i link with you too?

BStrong said...

Amy - You and anyone else who would like to link thier blog to mine is more than welcome to. I'm not responsible for the drop in your blogs readership after you link me though:)

Michelle said...

I think it's a great idea!

Anonymous said...

I like it! I have linked your blog to mine.

Amy DeRogatis

CJ said...

I'm right there with you!

jotcr2 said...

Other Syndromes have 'softer' names like Turner Syndrome or Retts Syndrome. We call it DS amongst family and friends. For one thing, Down Syndrome takes too long to say mid-conversation, for another thing, we're Australian, and we tend to abbrievate everything.

Jan Steck Huffman said...

I use Trisomy21 a bit, or 5 years old, he is Nash with a "little extra". Most times the "little extra" is enough to get his butt thrown in his room for saying "shut up", and it has nothing to do with Down syndrome!

Anonymous said...

Generally, your legal name will be what you put on your marriage license, and you will need to use that name for legal purposes such as signing for a mortgage, etc. I would confirm this when you go to apply for your marriage license.

married name change

JV said...

I also agree on the name change. To me, there is absolutley nothing down about having down syndrome. On the contrary, it should be Up Syndrome. I have been blessed with my little JJ and I wish all my kids had a little down syndrome in them sometimes...Lol...