The first picture is of the three stiches that were needed after I cut myself with a child proof letter opener, genius.
The second picture is of a little skin cancer that my daughter Eli made me aware of a couple of weeks ago and was just diagnosed on yep, Friday the 13th. The picture makes it look worse than it really is. I was told that if I was going to get cancer, this was a good one to get. Ok, I guess I'm relieved. I suppose that there are many types of cancer that makes a statement like that appropriate. They are scheduling me for Mohs surgery which is basically slicing of the cancer layer by layer and analyzing the tissue until no more cancer is present.
My wife would like me to jump into a bubble and stay there. Can you blame her?
Don't blame her (re the bubble). Hope your surgery goes well and it truly is nothing to worry about.
Geez! What a month so far! I hope things go better for you the rest of the month!!
Oh I don't blame her a bit for the bubble. I hope your surgery goes well.
Praying that all goes well with the surgery; and I guess if they say that's the type of cancer to get if you're going to get it, then that's something to be thankful for.
So are you going to change your name to Van Gogh and start painting sunflowers after the operation ;)
Stella/Jessica/Rebecca/Michelle - Thanks for the wishes. I'm sure things will be fine. The only thing that I'm not looking forward to is the needle that they are going to stick in my ear. They had to shoot me up when they did the biopsy. Hurt like hell.
Kim - Yes, and I'm going to move back to Groot-Zundest Holland and rediscover the louzy love life I had there. Or maybe what I'll do is go to Paris and visit my brother Theo and hang out with Pissarro, Monet and Gauguin.
wow.. you are having quite the month!!! hoping your surgery goes well!
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