Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Women, They Just Don't Understand

It’s not just a tattered old sweatshirt, baseball hat, T-shirt, it’s something that’s comfortable, familiar, and holds memories. IT’S NOT GOING IN THE TRASH, NOT YET.

I have a few articles of clothing that my wife would love to retire because of the condition they’re in. My Everlast sweatshirt that I have had since before college, that I still fit in to, is being held together, not by thread but by the will to live. My T-shirt that I bought in St. Maartin the summer of 95 has more holes in it than a golf course, but it still wants to hang out with me.

Every time I throw my pals in the laundry I fear that it will be the last time I will see them. Holes, seems popping, fading colors, stains, all add character.

Honey, I promise that I won’t throw you away when you get old.


Just Shu said...

Nat and I have a deal, I won't throw her clothes out and she won't throw mine away.

Belovedlife said...

See Just SHu, That's because you're not married very long...wait until you're married as long as we are...that deal won't last

B- You failed to mention that part about the hole that extends from your armpit to your hip, yes, the one that is the third arm hole...sad, very very sad.

Jan Steck Huffman said...

wow, I am impressed you can still fit into pre-college clothes! I say, make a deal with belovedlife, you do the laundry and the clothes stay.

Belovedlife said...

Mauzy, you sure can pick 'em, what a great deal, i'll second that one!

BStrong said...

Mauzy and WIFE,
Sounds like a plan. I'll do the laundry and my dear wife can shovel the snow this winter.



Belovedlife said...

In your DREAMS buddy boy ;)

Kim Ayres said...

My Dad used to tease my Mum that when she got to 36 he would trade her in for two 18 year olds. When she reached 36, he figured he probably wouldn't be able to handle two 18 year olds...

BStrong said...

"probably wouldn't be able to handle two 18 year olds..." He won't know if he doesn't try:)

Pilgrim said...

My husband has a whole rack of pre-marriage clothes that he doesn't wear. Maybe he should read Kim's weight loss blog. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh your poor wife, I can totally relate. My dh (dirty hoarder) hates to throw anything out. When we moved house 2 years ago I managed to get rid of a pair of shoes, falling apart at the seams which he had for YEARS and YEARS. The worst is THE jumper - bout 20 years old, more holes than jumper at this stage - it usually hides in a dark corner of the wardrobe, but he still, cringe, cringe, wears it! And has threatened me with divorce if I ever get rid of it - might just take him up on that some day! What is it with men and hoarding?

Lori said...

LOL, you sound like my husband.